How to Prevent Cat Bloated Stool but Acting Normal

Home » Pet » How to Prevent Cat Bloated Stool but Acting Normal
Lisa Anderson
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Why is my cat bloody stool but acting normal? Well, sometimes there is just an underlying problem that needs to be addressed before any treatment can be given. This is because when a cat is sick it can be confusing and hard for the cat’s body to deal with. Sometimes the body does not know whether to accept the illness or not and that is why there are symptoms like that in your cat.

Common causes of Cat bloody stools but acting normal These are simple: The cat simply is upset with the food and so its natural tendency is to go. It is not always about the cat not liking the food, sometimes the food itself just seems to do a bad job. It occurs more often to the average person when you eat something really spicy.

Another cause of cat bloody stools but acting normal are if it is a urinary tract infection. There are many ways to treat UTI and one of the most popular is probiotics. If you give your cat probiotics on a regular basis it will help avoid cat blood in his stool.

Some other cause of cat bloody stool: but acting normal are if it is a viral or bacterial infection. Again there are many ways to treat these infections, some of which are homeopathic. Giving your cat cranberry juice every day is another way to prevent bacterial or viral infections. Once again it is not always about your cat not liking the food, it could be that the food just isn’t working as well for your cat as it would for you. Again there are many homeopathic remedies out there that will help your cat.

I don’t know if it has to do with old age or just nature taking its course: but I have found that older cats tend to be a lot less healthy than younger cats. If you notice your cat is acting strange and bleeding after eating or drinking, get him to the vet straight away. The vet can then prescribe something that will stop the bleeding.

Make sure you keep your cat indoors at night: The cat’s vision becomes blurred at night and you don’t want him knocking into things and getting himself hurt. Also, it is very important that you get your cat used to being inside at night. Many cats love going out in the dark so this is very important.

You could try putting him on a leash inside so he knows exactly where to go when you aren’t home.

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Lisa Anderson (Animal Shelter Director)

Hello, I'm Lisa Anderson, your dedicated guide to the world of animal welfare. As the director of a bustling animal shelter, I've committed my life to the rescue, care, and happiness of countless dogs and cats. My experience in managing shelters, rehabilitating animals, and connecting them with loving homes has given me a deep understanding of the pet-human bond. In my articles, I'll share stories of resilience, advice on adopting and caring for shelter pets, and insights into creating a loving and lasting connection with your new four-legged family member. Join me as we explore the journey of pet adoption and help bring more wagging tails and purring hearts into loving homes.

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